Animated optical illusion
Séduction optique chez les oiseaux
Futura Sciences a un article à lire, intitulé Séduire grâce à une illusion d’optique, c’est possible chez les oiseaux.
Recommandé pour se changer les idées.
La Perspective Curieuse by Jean François Nicéron, 1663
This is the title of a 17th Century French book whose illustrations instruct the artist about the basics of perspective. The very first steps to a good optical illusion.
I’m flying my own boat
Nagai Hideyuki – 3D drawings
Japanese artist Nagai Hideyuki drawings in 3D quickly become optical illusion.
MC Escher, hands and robot
120 years ago, MC Escher was born.
Liquid photographic sculptures
Photos are from Ronny Ternes.
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3D PacMan in the street
A street painting by Leon Keer.