This building was created in Prague by Vlado Milunc and Franck Gehry, between 1992 and 1996. It really seems creepy and you should not stand in front of it if you are prone to vertigo fits.

Dansing house, Nationale Nederlanden building, in Prague.
This building was created in Prague by Vlado Milunc and Franck Gehry, between 1992 and 1996. It really seems creepy and you should not stand in front of it if you are prone to vertigo fits.
Dansing house, Nationale Nederlanden building, in Prague.
Light green and light blue spirals seem to have different colors. But don’t believe your eyes. They really have exactly the same color (described in HTML with the following fundamentals: R=0, G=255, B=150).
All columns.
This phenomenon is rather common when the contrast between two colours is enough to hide the similitude of two shapes or the fact that these two shapes are identical as in the example shown here (it’s easier with complex forms like these eye-shaped blocks).
Felice Varini is a weird kind of guy. Painter, artist, he projects (sic!) his paintings on various surfaces. But you can only appreciate it fully if you are in the right location: Where the perspective will render all the image in its full glory as it was built from a 3D illusion.
Interview of Felice Varini at Poetic Mind.
If you ever stop by the Eureka Tower Carpark in Melbourne, Australia, you may admire this 3D perspective illusion.